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Free Consultation

Contact me via phone call, text, email or facebook and set up a free consultation and get a feel for who I am and what I am about. This is a no pressure meeting just to see if we are a good fit.

Phone & Email Support

Once you have hired me to be your doula I will always be a phone call or email away with support and guidance when needed. Feel free to contact me at anytime of the day and I will get back with you as soon as possible.

2 Prenatal Visits

Birth Doula clients will get two prenatal visits with me. I can help you write you birth plan in person, attend a prenatal appointment with you or just meet for lunch to talk. There are a lot of things to cover leading up to the big day.

During labor

I will provide support for you and your birth partner if you have one. Every mother and every labor is different so there are no guarantees how long I will be with you for the labor. I will always be able to meet you at home, hospital or birth center when you are in active labor.

Baby’s first feeding Support

Answering questions and support for the babies first feeding will also be welcomed. Getting a good latch and the baby getting the mother baby bond in the first few hours are essential and I will help you to facilitate it as best as I can.

Postpartum follow-up visit

The postpartum period can be tricky for the whole family. An in home visit can ease your mind and ensure you comfortable with your new addition.

Community Referrals

A referral may be needed for other services in the area. Whether you are looking for an Placenta encapsulator, Local le leche league, or counselor to talk to I have local referrals to give for your needs.

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As a Doula, I  Do Not:

Perform any clinical tasks

The role of a doula does not include performing clinical tasks such as checking blood pressure or listening for fetal heart tones. This is left to the nurse, midwife or doctor that is facilitating your medical care.

Make decisions for you

Decisions are to be made by the pregnant woman and her partner if applicable. My role as a doula does not include making decisions for you for your prenatal or postpartum care. I can refer you to evidence based information so you and your health care provider can make the best decision for you and your baby.

Speak to the staff on your behalf

I will remind the laboring woman and her partner of their wishes we had previously talked about if things arise but will not interefere with the staff of the hospital or birth center.

Project any of my own beliefs onto your experience

My beliefs are mine and mine alone and will not interject them onto you and your decisions for your labor and care. I respect ever womans informed decision that she makes.

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